Intex Pillow Rest Raised Airbed with Built-in Pillow and Electric Pump, Queen, Bed Height 16.5"

  • N/A
  • Imported
  • Queen Air Bed
  • Provides durability for a space to sleep
  • Queen bed has blue downy finish
  • Material: Polyresin and vinyl
  • Dimensions: 62 by 80 by 18.5 inches

I have used and abused this thing for ten years. It is a tank. It's not an everyday mattress, and I'm sure it won't stand up to that kind of wear and tear. If you need something every now and again that you can stash in the garage and it won't take up any space, buy this one! It had a pinhole that I patched using the supplied kit. I have used it in houses and camping. Literally everywhere. It's the best air mattress I've ever seen. I can't vouch for the production quality now (2019) but my model from 2008 is still in great shape and gets used 2-3 times a year.

When I was reading reviews in preparation for buying a new air mattress, there were always a few Negative Nancies complaining that the mattress went flat after 2-3 uses. I bought this one, crossing my fingers since it cost a little bit more than I wanted to pay. Joy of joys, we love it. I’m a plus size woman with a bad back, and I have slept like a baby on it. Plus, the mattress is so easy to air up, and it holds the air in all night.

Best air mattress on the market. I have owned one for almost two years that I bring on every vacation like camping and for hotel stays, very durable and no leaking. Since my first one I bought, I have purchased 6 more as gifts for friends and family. One of which my fiancĂ© uses as a fireman to have a bed from station to station. Great idea for a wedding present because everyone will need one at one point or another and no one ever thinks to put it on their registry. Love that this bed plugs directly into the wall with it's built in pump! Update: I now have bought over 10 of these air beds for friends and recommend it to everyone as one of the best and most durable air mattresses. I still have my very first one I bought and it’s over 5 years old with frequent use and it’s still I’m tip-top shape. You cannot go wrong with this bed.

This air mattress has been great for us. In fact, I'm back to buy again and was struck by a lot of negative reviews. I purchased this bed in 2012, over 6 years ago. During it's first 5 years, it was used sparingly. Mostly kids and occasionally me. In the last 6-8 months, a newly single friend had to find a crash pad, and I donated this bed until he bought a real bed. Fast forward 6 months. He never bought a new bed. Still sleeping in this every night. Says it's great. So I told him he could keep it and I came back to Amazon to buy a new one. Mine never bulged or leaked. I found it comfortable, and super easy to fill and empty and store in bag provided. Maybe there are some bad eggs out there. I guess I'll find out as I am ordering a new one. I'll report back on whether it is like it's predecessor or an undesirable relative!

As a military family we used this mattress multiple times when PCSing. It was our bed while waiting (sometimes months) for our belongings to be shipped. It is pretty comfortable and a good height for us. We've never had issues getting sheets onto it (or staying on it) like we did with previous air mattresses. Setup and teardown is a breeze only taking a few minutes. We had to leave it with another military family back in the States and will highly considering buying another one when we move back to the US.

The only air mattress that hasn't gotten complaints. It doesn't seem to deflate and my boyfriend thinks it's so comfortable he offers to give up our bed for this. I wouldn't go that far but it's really good. So good I own FOUR of these now. Two at my apartment (queen and twin) and two at his apartment (both queen) so we are always well equipped when friends come to visit. And, these get borrowed a lot.

Muy husband and I really needed a new air mattress and didn't want to have to keep track of a separate pump. We had seen similar blow up mattresses with pumps built in before and decided that was the way to go. I'm so glad we did! This air mattress is so easy to see up! You just let it do it's thing until it's full! I was also happy with how much air the bed seemed to hold over night. Most air mattresses tend to deflate quite a bit through the night just because the weight on it, but it held its own! It only lost a small amount of air, not enough to impact our sleep or comfort. The height of this air mattress was perfect! My husband and I are pretty young, but getting down and sleeping on the ground just doesn't happen anymore. It was very easy to get into and out of because of the height and how well it held the air. I could definitely buy this air mattress again!!

I have one of these, but purchased a second and had it shipped to my family member's house where I was going to be staying for a week as they needed a guest bed, and this was a great price. I love the built in pump, and how small it is when deflated. After sleeping on it for a week, it still held the air just fine, no leaking, and is rather comfortable. My original one that I purchased a few years ago is going strong, and I will continue to send ahead for these on Amazon when traveling, as the price is great, and it is a great leave behind when a guest at someone's house who doesn't have a bed!

Bought this for a rental property I had for Airbnb. We didn't have a bed quite yet in our guest house because of financial reason. We bought this air mattress. Used it for two month straight with everyday being booked. So that means someone was sleeping on it everyday. We basically had no complaints and every guest commented that they had a amazing night rest in our rental. Finally we bought a bed after making money. We decided to put it away in case there was a extra bed needed for more guest. I'm glad the airbed was purchased. It helped make money before we was able to buy a real bed. Overall, I know after all the reviews from our guest that slept good. I was one of our best investment ever and it still going strong to use got later. It was also easy to set up. I was even easier to store away.

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